I watched two You Tube vids this week. Both guys were baptized young, pioneered, went to Bethel. Both woke up and left in these last few years.
One (his name is V for fifth) had a few friends that left the Borg, they didn't even say THAT much to him (not like the WT wants you to believe) but he really liked them, looked up to them. Afters years, and things here & there....He had a conscience moment, during a WT study... He left... Those things people said, those events stuck with him, in the back of his brain...
The one who left before him, was actually one of his brothers in Bethel! That he looked up to. Things didn't add up for "Apollos" either.. He visited this website, where Blondies use of WT quotes, and scriptures helped him.. and then he found JWfacts, with all the WT quotes, and "the light got brighter"..
Both took a few years for the facts to sink in, and leave. Now? Gone for good!
I say thx to Simon, Blondie, and all contributors here, you have made a difference!